• yensermontero@blogspot.com

martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Internet History

Internet is a necessary tool communication around the world. Data communication is the element that transmits information. Mainframe was a computer networking method. It was a simple one that used in the 1950s by Project RAND. ARPANET was cores what become the internet develop at this time. The first operation of ARPANET was established between the University of California, Los Angeles and the Stanford Research Institute.
In 1979, two students were used a simple Bourne Shell, the intention was to transferred news and messages on line at the University of California. During this time different network methods appears, but the people have to do something to unify them. Specification of Internet transmission Control Program by Vinton Cerf, Yogen Dalal and Carl Sunshine, Network Working Group used the first term of Internet.
But the term of “internet” was established by RFC published on the TCP. They used an internet working, both terms were used interchangeably. Then this term was expanded around the world. On 1980s was a very important element, because many people find and organized files and information. People create the www means World Wide Web, were created pages on web and then they find things. Yahoo! was a very popular on 1994. Nowadays, internet has a many uses, one of them is necessary for business.
The creation of Internet was to place information, and uses in many forms in the positive ways. But today, some people access to established bad information, for example trafficking organizations. I consider that Internet can be use in the positive way for example to find information or for study something. Parents have to control what they children look, because they can found diverse information.

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